I'm starting a new series of essential beauty items.
These are for products that I have to have in my beauty collection at all times, and which I have awarded gold star status for their effectiveness.
I'm going to start with an absolute classic, but one which actually seems to divide opinion:
Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream
Not highly original perhaps, but I've been using Eight Hour Cream for years and I absolutely
must have some with me at all times, otherwise I tend to get a bit sweaty palmed and panic stricken. Unlike some who advocate its use on skin, hands, eyebrows etc, I find it a bit heavy and gloopy for that (I sometimes use it on heels though), so I mainly use it on my lips. I
never have chapped lips and I attribute it entirely to this product. If ever I feel my lips getting slightly uncomfortable, dry or tight in the corners, I just smother them in this and they are instantly relieved. I use it every night before going to bed, in the morning after brushing teeth and reapply it once or twice during the day. Its also wonderful for warding off skin dehydration on flights.
Some people complain about Eight Hour Cream having a medicinal smell - it is quite strong but personally I don't mind it at all - indeed I find something quite reassuring about it.
A tube at full price costs about £18 but you can often find it on offer at Superdrug here in the UK for about £12 (they also do cute limited edition smaller tubes), on eBay and sometimes in TK Maxx in box sets with a handcream. Pricy, but it does last for ages.
So that's the first in my series of essential beauty items - more to follow soon.