As I mentioned in a previous post, my head has been turned recently by some nail colours, such as greens, greys and, heavens, even yellows, which I would never in a billion years have even
looked at BBB (before beauty blogs - I hereby copyright that phrase!). And as my make up enlightenment continues, I have now officially dipped a toe (rather a fingertip!) into the tempting polishes inspired, it seems, by the myriad colours of the oceans.

It began with Illamasqua's
Muse, appropriately, from their Sirens Collection.
I didn't know much about Illamasqua other than what I'd read on a few blogs, so last time I was in Selfridges I thought I'd check it out. The staff were certainly very helpful, though I wasn't too impressed with the counter, which seemed a bit scruffy and disorganised.
Being a sucker for teals and turquoises in every day life (well mainly in clothes and in my house!), the dreamy-looking
Muse really stood out. I tried it in the store and was very impressed with the creaminess and opacity, and the enthusiasm of the salesperson won me over. I applied it at home to blog about it, and while I like it, I'm not blown away. I just don't think I'm a teal / turquoise nail kinda girl! That said, if I ever get to wear those turquoise tights I bought from Dotty P's a few weeks ago, this could be just the ticket.
Applies well, cost £12.75 I think.
I have to say that overall this line didn't really speak to me - perhaps it's not pretty enough or perhaps I'm just not a 'colour' person - but I'd probably go back for a second look. There was a stunning purply-lilac I also tried - I can't tell from the website swatches whether it was
Velocity or
Poke - but it seemed a bit similar to OPI's
Parlez-vous OPI so I didn't get it. While some seem to love the cardboard Illamasqua packaging with the illustrations on, I can take it or leave it - I think I prefer something plain and classic like Chanel to be honest (perhaps I'm just boring!). The bottle itself is square and cool although I was disappointed to find when I got home I'd been sold one with a dodgy lid! Love the fact that they call them 'nail varnish' though - British and old-school!
I had better luck with Barry M's
Racing Green nail paint. Barry M is a brand I've never paid much attention to in the past being more of a high-end lover, but that will be changing. I'm going to blog on my Barry M haul separately, but in amongst it was this gorgeous shimmering shade - more turquoise than it looks in the bottle.
I prefer this to
Muse - it's prettier somehow, quite mermaidy, whereas
Muse is more edgy (and the Barry M is only £2.75!). But even so, again, I just can't get as excited about this as I can say a beautiful deep brown or a shimmering rose. Ultimately, I think my foray into green 'n' blue polishes may end here... or at least as soon as Essie's
Sag Harbor turns up from eBay!!!
Anyone got any favourite green 'n' blues?